Server Information
General Information |
Server Version | 7.99 |
General Rates | Hard/Hard |
Experience Rate | 1x |
Drop Rate | 1x |
Max Level (Mortal/God/God2) | 400 |
Evolutions | Mortal, God, Celestial (God2), Sub-Celestial(Soul) |
Weekend Bonus | Activated |
Automatic Events | Activated |
Guild Wars | Activated |
Tower Wars | Activated |
Max Connections per Computer | 5 |
Statistics |
Total Accounts | 2955 |
Total Characters | 3690 |
Total Guilds | 6 |
Total Mobs | 303 |
Total Mobs Spawned | 5079 |
Total Gold | 28,132,601,460 |
Total Online | 606 |
Upgrades and Composing Success Rates |
Ori Powder | |
rate1 (+0 to +1) | 90% |
rate2 (+1 to +2) | 80% |
rate3 (+2 to +3) | 70% |
rate4 (+3 to +4) | 60% |
rate5 (+4 to +5) | 50% |
rate5 (+5 to +6) | 40% |
Lak Powder (Mortal/God Items) | |
rate1 (+0 to +1) | 100% |
rate2 (+1 to +2) | 100% |
rate3 (+2 to +3) | 95% |
rate4 (+3 to +4) | 90% |
rate5 (+4 to +5) | 85% |
rate6 (+5 to +6) | 80% |
rate7 (+6 to +7) | 60% |
rate8 (+7 to +8) | 40% |
rate9 (+8 to +9) | 20% |
rate10 (+9 to +10) | 2% |
rate11 (+10 to +11) | 2% |
Lak Powder (Celestial Items) | |
rate1 (+0 to +1) | 80% |
rate2 (+1 to +2) | 75% |
rate3 (+2 to +3) | 70% |
rate4 (+3 to +4) | 65% |
rate5 (+4 to +5) | 60% |
rate6 (+5 to +6) | 55% |
rate7 (+6 to +7) | 50% |
rate8 (+7 to +8) | 45% |
rate9 (+8 to +9) | 40% |
rate10 (+9 to +10) | 30% |
rate11 (+10 to +11) | 30% |
Lak Powder (Sealed Items) | |
rate1 (+0 to +1) | 90% |
rate2 (+1 to +2) | 85% |
rate3 (+2 to +3) | 80% |
rate4 (+3 to +4) | 75% |
rate5 (+4 to +5) | 70% |
rate6 (+5 to +6) | 65% |
rate7 (+6 to +7) | 60% |
rate8 (+7 to +8) | 55% |
rate9 (+8 to +9) | 50% |
NPC Aylin +10 Composing |
Rate | 60% |
NPC Compounder - Ancient Item Creation |
Base rate | 5% |
Item Level +7 | 2% |
Item Level +8 | 4% |
Item Level +9 | 10% |
Item Level +10 | 12% |
NPC Agatha - Imbue |
Grade D (none) | 6% |
Grade D (Normal) | 12% |
Grade D (Mystic) | 18% |
Grade D (Arcane) | 24% |
Grade D (Legendary) | 30% |
Grade E (none) | 32% |
Grade E (Legendary) | 36% |
NPC Odin (God/Celestial) |
Destroy Rate Description: If total rate gained is under 'destroy_under' rate, the item might break at 'destruction_rate'% |
Destroy Rate | 5% |
Destruction Rate | 20% |
Bless Refine Rates |
Each Item Level represents the rate of one Bless Refine. For example: If you have 4x Bless refine +9 you have a total of 40% Bonus. |
Item Level +0 | 1% |
Item Level +1 | 1% |
Item Level +2 | 2% |
Item Level +3 | 3% |
Item Level +4 | 4% |
Item Level +5 | 5% |
Item Level +6 | 6% |
Item Level +7 | 7% |
Item Level +8 | 8% |
Item Level +9 | 10% |
Protection Emblem Rate (1x) | |
Rate | 10% |
Item Level Reduce Rate (Odin) | |
Plus 11 | 0% |
Plus 12 | 1% |
Plus 13 | 2% |
Plus 14 | 3% |
Secret Stone Rate | |
Water Secret Stone | 1% |
Land Secret Stone | 1% |
Sun Secret Stone | 1% |
Wind Secret Stone | 1% |
Celestial/God2 Upgrade Rates |
Celestial Items can be upgraded using the item Essence of the Gods. The Item Level represents the Plus of the Essence of the God. For example, using 4x Essense of the God +9 will give you 40% Success Rate. |
Item Level +0 | 1% |
Item Level +1 | 1% |
Item Level +2 | 2% |
Item Level +3 | 3% |
Item Level +4 | 4% |
Item Level +5 | 5% |
Item Level +6 | 6% |
Item Level +7 | 7% |
Item Level +8 | 8% |
Item Level +9 | 10% |
Ingame Commands |
effects | Turn on/off the game effects |
/online | Checks how many online in the channel |
/scramble | Use this command to participate in the Scramble Words event. |
/join or /joinparty or /enter or /enterparty | Use this command to join an existing party with a password. Example: /join Player 1234 |
/setpass or /setpassword or /password or /pass | Use this command to create a password for existing party. Example: /setpass 1234 -> Sets the party password to 1234 Example: /setpass -> Disables the party password |
/create [guild name] | Create a guild with the chosen name. 100,000,000 gold is required. Must be used on the channel where the character is a citizen. |
guild | Checks online members and the current status of your Guild's war. |
/abandon or /leaveguild | Leaves the current guild. If used by the guild leader, the guild will be disbanded. |
/kick [member name] | Member: used to leave the current guild. No need to add a name. Leader: if used with a name, expel the member; nameless, disbands the guild. |
/relo [character name] | Transports to a member of your guild, sub-guild or group. It is necessary to pay 10 sapphires to the NPC Black Oracle or the Teleport skill. One Portal Scroll is required per use. |
/summon [character name] | Summons a member of your guild, sub-guild, or group to your current location. The Foema class Teleport skill is required. The person to be transported needs a Portal Scroll. |
/summonguild | Used only by Guild leaders. Summons all members online. If used by a sub-leader, summons only members of the respective sub-guild. |
/transfer [character name] | Transfers Guild leadership to the selected character. |
/cp | Checks your character's Chaos Points. |
/[character name] [message] | Sends a private message to the user. |
/r [message] | Replies to the last user who sent a private message. |
= [message] | Message sent only to the group. |
@ [message] | Message sent only to citizens of the channel. |
- [message] | Message sent only to the Guild. In the case of characters without a Guild, the message is sent to everyone who also do not have a Guild and are on the same channel. |
-- [message] | Message sent only to allied Guilds. In the case of characters without a Guild, the message is sent to everyone who also do not have a Guild and are on the same channel. |
* [message] | Displays the message for 10 seconds. |
/[character name] ![message] | Sends a letter to the user. Message is saved until logoff. |
/Kingdom | Immediately transport to the character's Kingdom, if you do not have a Kingdom, move between the kingdoms. |
/King | Immediately transport to the character's King, if you do not have a Kingdom, it won't work |